My Approach to Excessive Hair Loss
When the hair starts falling, we start panicking. I know we value our hair and our looks, and it’s scary when that starts spiraling out of our control. The invasive thoughts creep in, and you start planning for how you’re going to handle bald spots, and if it’s finally going to be the point in your life where you shave your head (after all, you do say everyone should try it once to drop their attachment to their hair and looks).
Six weeks ago, I started shedding. A LOT. A LOT, A LOT. I told my sister, and we both agreed it was probably seasonal shedding. There is usually a one- or two-week period in the year when I shed more than normal nothing to worry about.
But the shedding persisted. I started getting hesitant to wash my hair, seeing all the hair that was coming out in clumps.
I would look at my bathroom floor and find it covered with hair—on my coats, in the kitchen, on my hair ties… The signs of my excessive shedding were everywhere.
After a few weeks passed and the hair loss wasn’t letting up, I knew it was more than seasonal shedding. Step one: no stressing or panicking. That ALWAYS makes things worse, especially when something like stress can kick off processes in the body that exacerbate the problem.
Step 2: It was time to get curious. Retrace my steps and look for more answers.
I was so focused on the hair loss that I was ignoring the fatigue that had crept in. I was feeling unusual amounts of fatigue, which had to be a clue.
Detective Finding #1: Donating Blood
About one week before I started noticing the hair loss, I went and donated blood. I had totally forgotten about this event AND how incredibly depleted it left me. I almost passed out during the donation and felt weak and febrile for days after. As I retrace my steps, I’m not entirely sure the weakness and fatigue ever went away.
Donating blood can deplete your iron stores.
Detective Finding #2: Lab Work
I needed more clues to try to navigate the hair loss and fatigue, and I was due for some labs. I was expecting hormonal imbalances or blood sugar issues, but what I found were nutrient deficiencies—two of which were iron (specifically ferritin, but we’ll keep it simple) and zinc.
Both are nutrients that contribute to fatigue and hair loss.
Detective Finding #3: Exploring the Root
So, the big question begs itself: WHY have I been deficient in these nutrients? While I don’t have all the answers, I have some theories:
- Years of disordered eating have left me with systemic nutrient deficiencies I am still recovering from.
- Recent diet changes and a lack of zinc- and iron-rich foods in my regular intake, as I’ve been leaning more vegetarian lately (not for any specific reason).
- Digestive deficiencies preventing my body from absorbing and utilizing the nutrients I am consuming.
Ahh… answers and relief.
Donating blood, a diet lacking in iron and zinc, and being a menstruating woman in childbearing years—it’s all adding up.
Now, the Game Plan!
I’m supplementing with my favorite form of iron and zinc to replenish my stores and focusing on optimizing nutrient intake, absorption, gut health, and tissue builders.
I made some adjustments to my current herbal regimen to help replenish my body and assist with the symptoms I’ve been experiencing.
I’m a couple of days into implementing new changes and already feel so much better. The fatigue is dissolving. It’s too soon to see how my hair loss will fare, but I’m confident I’m on the right track.
Sharing My Process
I wanted to share this information with you to give you a mini look at the work I do. When clients come to me with complex health challenges they haven’t been able to find relief for, it takes some work:
- I get curious and play detective to identify what’s going on.
- We create customized plans focused on helping you feel better quickly while doing the deeper work to get to the root of the problem.
- We work in partnership to help ease the scariness that can come with navigating the unknowns of a health situation.
- And most importantly, you get support and personalized care.
My approach looks at lab work and honors modern findings while leveraging ancient wisdom to help restore balance to the body. Herbs hold so many keys to balancing our health, and these tools in conjunction with each other help many people find the relief and answers they’re seeking.
Update on my My Results
After receiving my labs back and putting my plan into place roughly 2 weeks ago, I can confidently say my hair loss has wound down. I’m back to what I feel is a normal or appropriate amount of shedding for myself. AND my energy levels are restored. It’s not stressing me out one bit any more. I feel so confident in the tools I have at my disposal to navigate health challenges and am so honored I get to share this work with the world.
Never underestimate the power of proper nutrients for the body whether it’s coming in the form of herbs, food, supplements or our environment.
With Love,

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