In Preparation for Thanksgiving: Let’s Talk Detoxing
This month, we’re diving into a hot (and often misunderstood) topic: detoxing.
The good, the bad, the lies, the truths, and everything in between.
Why? Because there is soooo much misleading and conflicting information about detoxing in the health space. So, before we indulge next week, let’s take a moment to lighten up by exploring the world of detoxing—and its role in our health journey.
I’ll also be sharing a GREAT tool for you to have in your health toolbox, especially for when the Thanksgiving feast tips into overindulgence. 😉
A Reframe on Detoxing
At its core, your body has two main jobs: to build and to detox. That’s it. It’s that simple.
When our body is building, it is nourishing and repairing tissues, growing cells, and generating energy for daily life.
When our body is detoxing, we are eliminating waste, balancing internal systems, and protecting ourselves from harmful substances through natural processes involving our liver, kidneys, skin, and lungs.
Both functions are absolutely essential and constantly happening in our bodies at any given time.
Unfortunately, our modern health paradigm has left most people in a state where they are both depleted and toxic.
Our bodies, which are built to do these things naturally, are running into some problems:
- We aren’t getting enough nutrients from our food—or our digestive systems aren’t functioning well enough to keep up with the “building” requirements.
- Our bodies are overburdened with unprecedented amounts of toxins, leaving us backed up and toxic.
Here’s the hard truth: most people today are both depleted and toxic.
This is a hard truth because it’s a tricky position to be in. When we bring in more building material, more strain is put on our detox pathways, and when we do more detoxing, we’re further depleting a body that needs building.
There is a delicate dance that must be done to comfortably bring people back into balance while optimizing these two key bodily processes.
At the end of the day, whatever health challenge you’re facing—be it migraines, acne, neuropathy, digestive issues, aches and pains—you’ll need nourishment, detoxing, or both.
Detoxing in Modern Terms
The word “detox” gets thrown around casually these days, and it seems to mean something different to everyone. To some, it means:
- A juice cleanse.
- Detox teas or herbs.
- Saunas and sweat sessions.
- A buzzword to sell products.
- A scapegoat for all health problems.
Truthfully, some think the word is a bunch of marketing BS because our bodies are already designed to naturally eliminate what is no longer needed. And to that I say: in a perfect world with a body in balance, they are correct—detoxing isn’t needed. But many of us are far from that point in modernized society.
So let’s do a reframe.
When I talk about detoxing with clients, it means two things:
- Tune up elimination systems (supporting the liver, kidneys, lymph, digestion, etc., to operate optimally).
- Clear out accumulated toxins (ama) while being mindful of the body’s state.
Detoxing involves optimizing the body’s innate functions and supporting it in its job when it’s too backed up to keep up with the workload. (Relatable, right?)
Key Considerations for Detoxing
Because so many of us are depleted, as we mentioned earlier, diving into detoxing without care can actually add undue stress on the body, creating further imbalances. It’s an art as much as a science to help find the balance for any given individual.
If you’re looking to engage in any detoxing, here are a few tips to help ease the way:
- Go low and slow. Ease into any detox or cleanse. Don’t try to immediately start with a 7-day juice fast or intense detoxing protocol. It’s better to work your way up to more extreme forms of detoxing.
- Start small. I often have people start low and slow with 1-3 days of kitchari for a cleanse or by bringing in gentle yet supportive herbs.
- Prepare your body. If you are gearing up for a specific detox program, make sure your body is ready by feeding it essential and vital nutrients leading up to the detox.
- Listen to your body. Take your unique needs into account, and always listen to your body.
- Rebuild and nourish. Take the time to rebuild and nourish when needed.
You have my full permission to tune out the noise of the internet and ignore anyone trying to sell you a “one-size-fits-all” detox solution going forward. There’s too much hoopla out there, and not all solutions work for all people!
Beyond the Physical: Detoxing Your Life
Now, speaking of all that hoopla out there… Sometimes it’s not just in our bodies where the detoxing needs to happen. Accumulations of unwanted gunk happen in many areas of our lives, and sometimes a detox from these things can give our bodies time to process and reset.
Consider all the inputs you take in other than food in your daily life: social media, news, relationships, movies, video games, music, and other people.
We can easily accumulate toxins in these areas of our lives. If we don’t take time to clear these, they can act as a poison, adding unnecessary weight to our mental and emotional well-being.
Detoxing is about all facets of being—not just the body.
And don’t forget: on the other side of detoxing is building and finding nourishment. Prioritize more of the inputs that nourish and build you up—healthy relationships, calming media, and music that feeds the soul.
My Recent “Detox”
Earlier this month, I did a one-week kitchari cleanse—a short and sweet Ayurvedic approach to detoxing. For seven days, I ate nothing but kitchari (a nourishing mix of rice, lentils, and spices) and vegetables.
The coolest part about kitchari is that it is equal parts detoxifying and building. You’re giving your body all it needs to optimally perform its functions while giving it a break from all the things it doesn’t need.
I paired it with an herbal regimen I designed to help flush out my system and ended with a castor oil purge.
This one-week cleanse helped my energy, my digestion, and my mental state. It was meditative and went far beyond the detoxing of my body. It was a reset and a chance to re-evaluate all the accumulations that had snuck into my diet.
The kitchari cleanse gave me a glimpse of what I was craving more of—and what I was craving less of.
All around, I want easier to digest: conversations, interactions, foods, media… things I don’t have to struggle to process.
If you’re curious about kitchari and why it’s such a cleansing food, click here to learn more.
Your Thanksgiving Hack
Let me share one powerful herb that can really help when overindulgence strikes: Hingvastak.
Hingvastak is actually a blend of herbs designed to aid digestion and help move food downward. It’s fantastic for digestive issues and can be taken in capsules, stirred into water, or added to food while cooking.
Dosage: Start with 0.5 grams per meal and gradually increase to 1.5 grams as your body adjusts.
If you want to give it a try, you can order it here: Vadik Herbs – Hingvastak.
In Summary
Whether you’re considering a kitchari cleanse, exploring herbs like Hingvastak, or simply rethinking what detoxing means in your life, the goal is the same: to find balance and feel good.
This Thanksgiving, as you enjoy the season’s abundance, remember that detoxing is more than a buzzword—it’s about supporting your body, mind, and spirit in sustainable ways.
Wishing you a joyful and nourishing Thanksgiving,
The Living Wellness Lounge

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