It's hard to interface with the world when you don't feel well
When these words were spoken last week during an intake session with a client, my heart cracked wide open. He articulated what so many people are experiencing. It resonated with me deeply, as I’ve been exactly where he is now, and I’m sure you have too.
While it seems obvious that things are hard when we don’t feel good, many of us have been conditioned to just deal with this ‘not feeling good’-ness. We push through, persevere, and start normalizing these feelings. As we accept chronic symptoms like aches, migraines, and digestive issues, we may not realize their impact on how we show up in the world, influencing our attitudes, interactions, emotions, and pursuits.
This seemingly obvious concept has been obscured by the ‘malaise’ we’ve allowed to creep in over the years. So many people feel unwell these days, and it’s by no fault of our own. We’re up against a lot, and it has all become so normal. Navigating life with persistent symptoms has become very normal.
I love helping people at this stage. I firmly believe the best way to help the world is to help yourself. When people feel good in their bodies, they can do good in the world. They show up and interact in ways that spread light and love, creating a ripple effect that inspires others to feel better too. Making the world a better place starts with making ourselves better at interacting with the world.
The first step on this journey is acknowledging how you feel and how it affects your interactions. It can be helpful to take an inventory. Do a body scan and notice what feels harder than it should. Is running to the grocery store a challenge? Are you short-tempered in traffic? Do coworkers or children drive you nuts?
Next, meet yourself with grace instead of guilt. Acknowledge and accept where you are: “I do not feel good. Interacting with people is hard.” Allowing yourself this grace creates the space needed to start feeling good again.
Lastly, maintain hope. If you’re dealing with chronic symptoms, know there is a path forward. No matter what you’re navigating, there is hope. If you’re struggling to find what works, you’re in the right place. I specialize in working with this population because their suffering has my heart.
Remember, you are worth the investment in your health. You deserve to interface with the world feeling GOOD. And you deserve it today.

Book Your Free Path To Relief Strategy Session
This is a 45-minute session where we will review your current health challenges and dig into your history. I'll share my overall thoughts on what's been going on for you under the hood and a high-level strategy to help you experience relief. If it's a good fit, I'll also share how you can work with me to resolve your health struggles.
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